THE Port of Montreal recently hosted the 6,730 TEU MSC Melissa at the Viau Terminal, making the vessel - measuring 303.89 metres long and 40 metres wide - the largest container vessel to sail the St Lawrence River. Martin Imbleau, president and CEO of the Port of Montreal commented: "This ship's arrival proves the agility of the Port of Montreal and its partners, and shows how interested international shipping companies are in Montreal's facilities. The ability to accommodate Post-Panamax class vessels offers great potential as we prepare our expansion project in Contrecoeur." The MSC Melissa docked at the new Viau Terminal, operated by Termont Montreal, to take full advantage of this facility, which was inaugurated in 2021 and is specifically adapted to Post-Panamax class vessels. Over the past decade, the Port of Montreal has continued to distinguish itself by offering shipping companies facilities that efficiently meet market demand for Quebec, Ontario the American Midwest. With some of the most competitive dwell times on the North American East Coast, no congestion, and geographic proximity to about 110 million consumers, Montreal's facilities are ideally suited to client needs and the dynamics of the container market.
"The positive effects of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on cargo traffic, the sustained internationalisation of markets, and regional and national economic vitality are among the factors that account for the Port of Montreal's attractiveness,"?reports American Journal of Transportation.
2021/7/29 20:18:28